
An artist seeks inspiration for his next project. 
His quest will take him to some rather unusual places...

"dawn" is a personal project. I worked on this between projects, evenings and weekends.  I was always fascinated with the process of cinematic storytelling, so I wanted to do everything myself. So after I finalised the story, I started designing the character and the look, I did my storyboards, built the models, textured them, rigged them, animated them, did a spot of cloth and fluids, lit, rendered and edited the thing. For the six minutes and thirty seconds that is "dawn", the process took me three and a half years.
During the final year, I was very lucky to get Stelios Koupetoris (social-jamming.com) on board. He took care of everything we hear in the movie. His brilliant music and excellent sound design, which he also did on his personal time, completed the project very nicely.

 "dawn" won the Atlantis award at the 2011 Moondance international film festival,
the award of excellence in animation at the 2011 Los Angeles Movie Awards,
3rd prize at Animfest 2012 (the Athens International Animation Festival),
was official selection at the 2011 Action On Film international film festival,
the 2012 Beloit International Film Festival, the 2012 Science Fiction and Fantasy International Film Festival of Athens, and is still in the festival circuit.


Here are a few screenshots from the movie...